Awaiting Clearance |
Tax-exempt Clearance Steps |
Note: These steps are designed for Taxable 721 (Tax Returns).
Note: If you close this window or page during the processing of your 721 (Tax Returns) you will be required to wait 10 minutes before you can attempt the clearance process again. |
Note: If you close this window or page during the processing of your 721 (Tax Returns) you will be required to wait 10 minutes before you can attempt the clearance process again. |
Option/Information |
Description |
Taxpayers should first confirm the total Amount to Pay prior to moving forward. |
Taxpayers should select the appropriate Credit Card type. |
Taxpayers should enter in the correct Credit Card Number. |
Taxpayers should select the correct Expiration Date. |
Taxpayers should confirm the pre-populated Name. If the Name does not match the Credit Card being used, please change it now. |
Taxpayers should confirm the pre-populated Zip Code. If the Zip Code does not match the Credit Card being used, please change it now. |
Taxpayers should confirm the pre-populated Address. If the Address does not match the Credit Card being used, please change it now. |
Taxpayers should confirm the pre-populated City. If the City does not match the Credit Card being used, please change it now. |
Taxpayers should confirm the pre-populated State. If the State does not match the Credit Card being used, please change it now. |
Taxpayers should enter the correct Telephone number. |
Taxpayers should Cancel if they are not ready to continue to the final Payment step. |
Taxpayers should Continue if all the information displayed is correct and they are ready to continue to the final Payment step. |
Taxpayers should confirm the Payment Type. If the Payment Type does not match the Credit Card being used, please choose the option ‘Use another payment method’. |
Taxpayers should confirm the last 4 digits of the Credit Card. If the last 4 digits do not match the Credit Card being used, please choose the option ‘Use another payment method’. |
Taxpayers should confirm the Expiration Date of the Credit Card. If the last Expiration Date does not match the Credit Card being used, please choose the option ‘Use another payment method’. |
Taxpayers should enter the appropriate Security Code before continuing. The Security Code is the 3/4-digit code located on the back of your credit card. |
Taxpayers should confirm the read the Payment Gateway instructions before continuing. |
Taxpayers should choose this option if they require using another form of payment before continuing. |
Taxpayers should choose this option if they wish to CANCEL before continuing. |
Taxpayers should choose this option if they wish to COMPLETE the processing of the payment. |
Note: If you close this window or page during the processing of your payment, you cannot assure that you will be charged twice or assured if your payment went through. You will be required to wait 10 minutes before you can attempt the clearance process again. |
Taxpayers should confirm the total Amount to Pay was correct. |
Taxpayers should note the Transaction Date (Time). |
Taxpayers should note the Payment Method. |
Taxpayers should note the Reference Number. This will be printed on the Excise Receipt. |
Taxpayers can choose to Print a receipt of the Credit Card Transaction. |
Taxpayers will NEED to click the ‘Return’ button in order to gain a stamped and approved 721 (Tax Return) for Customs. |
Click here to RELOAD the 721 (Tax Return) PDF if your window does not load completely. |